This annual report contains updates and news about so many good things happening at Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary. I want to acknowledge first of all, though, our sincere gratitude to all those who support this place with prayer, good works, and financial assistance. We would not be here without you.
A group of people I want to acknowledge in this report are the past and present members of the Abbey Foundation of Oregon (AFO), all good friends of Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary. The AFO was founded in 2002 as an independent 509(a)(3) nonprofit with the sole duty of supporting the mission and works of Mount Angel. Over the years, the wonderful, talented, and faithful members of this group have carried out their role with love, intelligence, charity, and generosity. The current board, led by John Limb, board president, continues to do so.
This report reflects a recent and significant change in how we are reporting our financials. With the 2021-22 fiscal year, following an extensive review completed by a dedicated task force composed of representatives of both the AFO and the Abbey, practices and protocols were put in place to improve the operational relationship between the two entities. As a result, having a combined audit to provide a consolidated statement of the financial position of Mount Angel Abbey and the Abbey Foundation of Oregon was adopted.
Another significant change is that, previously, fundraising activities were managed by the AFO and donations for operational and capital expenses primarily flowed directly to the foundation. The AFO than allocated monies back to the Abbey depending on each year’s budgetary needs. Mount Angel now has direct responsibility for fundraising activities. This means that your monetary donation goes to Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary to directly pay for the operating needs of the Abbey’s programs and capital projects. The AFO continues to maintain endowment funds, long-term investments, real properties, and certain other assets. In their various professional capacities, the board members continue to provide invaluable help, guidance, and support for all the works of Mount Angel.
If you have questions or want more information, please send us a note. But most importantly, please know that we both – the monks of Mount Angel and the members of the AFO – are here for you. We are striving to share the riches of our Benedictine charism and life of prayer and works with you.
Please accept my pledge of deepest gratitude to you and to all the past and present members of our AFO board. We remember you in our daily celebration of the Eucharist.

Abbot and Chancellor

Seek Things Above
– Colossians 3:1
Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B.
John Limb, President
Oregon Catholic Press (retired)
Jim Zuiches, Vice President
Professor of Sociology and University Administrator (retired)
Donald Williams, Secretary
Chief Operating Officer (retired), Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt P.C.
John Meek, Past-President
Managing Member, Arcadia Consulting
Rev. Martin Grassel, O.S.B., Treasurer
Procurator, Mount Angel Abbey
Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B.
Mount Angel Abbey & Seminary
The Abbey Foundation of Oregon (the Foundation) was established in 2002 to support Mount Angel Abbey and its works. Although closely affiliated with the Abbey, the Foundation is a separate Oregon nonprofit corporation with Mount Angel Abbey as member, and a Board of Trustees that manages its business affairs, including management of the assets of the Foundation.
Immerse yourself in the rich and poetic text of this video, narrated by Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, and enjoy the beautiful photography and music evocative of the monastic tradition of St. Benedict, as lived at Mount Angel since 1882.
The consolidated financial statements represented below include the accounts of Mount Angel Abbey and the Abbey Foundation of Oregon.

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
– PSALM 106:1

Mount Angel Abbey and the Abbey Foundation of Oregon is audited annually by independent certified public accountants whose examination complies with generally accepted auditing standards. This annual report reflects the audited financial statements for the most recent fiscal year. The Foundation files its IRS Form 990 each fiscal year, available at our website, the Development Office, or upon request.
Follow us for daily Mass, Midday Prayer and Vespers, live streamed on our website:, or the Mount Angel Abbey YouTube channel.
Would you like to stay up-to-date on what’s happening at Mount Angel? Just send us a note or sign up online and your email address will be added to our list.
Endowed gifts to Mount Angel provide annual financial support for generations to come and make a difference that is nothing short of eternal. Thanks to the individuals, families, and foundations listed below, the Abbey Foundation of Oregon was able to provide approximately $1 million to support the education and formation of seminarians and monks, the monks’ spiritual ministries, and the Hilltop facilities. Endowed funds are prudently invested by the Abbey Foundation, with 3-5 percent of the earned income provided to Mount Angel each year. Any remaining earnings are added to the original principal, which continues to grow and support Mount Angel’s mission in perpetuity.
Abbot’s Discretionary Endowment Fund
Academic Center Fund
Robert Albrich Fund
Donald L. and Gloria Amort Endowment Fund
Margaret Avison Fund
Bernard and Retha Bachand Fund
Steve & Linda Beaird Family Fund
Tal and Rose Berning Family Seminary Scholarship Fund
Joseph Bielenberg Seminary Fund
Bishops’ Seminary Fund
Joseph and Maria Bochsler Family Endowment
Rev. Fred Brenner Seminary Burse
Brother Michael Fund
Lyle Carter Fund
Catholic Daughters Oregon State Court Memorial Scholarship Endowed Fund
Chair of Theology Fund
Joseph E. and Ernestine A. Cote Fund
Nancy Curcio Fund
James J. Davies Fund
Marcella Decker Fund
Maurice Dhulst Fund
Bob and Evelyn Dieringer Family Fund
Evelyn DiPietro Fund
Jerry Dolezal Fund
Fr. Charles Dreisbach Monastery Fund
Charles and Patricia Duffy Endowment Fund
Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer Collection of Art Fund
Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer Chair in Humanities
Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer Annual Lecture Series Fund
Ellis Bell Tower Fund
BME Seminary Endowed Fund
Jean Esser Facilities Fund
Jean Esser Seminary Fund
Mike and Les Fahey Scholarship Fund in Memory of Ray and Lauretta Fahey
Jerry and Elizabeth Farley Endowment
Eugene and Betty Feltz Seminary Endowment Fund
Raymond and Clara Fessler Fund
Fr. Edward Flanagan ’75 Seminary Endowment Fund
Fund for Liturgy and the Arts in Memory of Fr. Paschal Cheline
Lawrence & Veronica Frank Endowment
Gerald Gaines Fund
Ann F. and Joseph G. Galarneau Endowed Fund
Garrow Estate
Ray J. Glatt Endowment
John M. Glavey Fund
Linda M. Glidden-Pickering Guesthouse Endowment Fund
Wilma Gore Endowment Fund
Archbishop William H. Gross Burse
Regina Gruss Fund
John R. Harrigan Seminarian Memorial Fund
Arlene Harris Endowment Fund
Robert and Rose Harris Fund
Hass Seminary Fund
Rev. Geza Havass Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mount Angel Seminary Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund
Alfred J. Huber Scholarship Endowment Fund
Florence S. Kennedy Fund
Joan J. Le Barron Endowment
Library Quasi Endowment Fund
Mary Alice Lynch Fund
Colette L. Maddox and Colette Eulale Maddox Seminary Endowment
Edwin E. and Eva R. Mayer Endowment Fund
Vernon Mercier Fund
Leo Meysing Seminary Fund
Jackie and George Miller Fund
Jackie Miller Holy Land Pilgrimage Endowed Fund
Monastery Endowment Fund
Monastic Health and Education Endowment
Monastic Spirituality Retreat Fund
Elie and Hilda Nouguier Fund
Fr. Philip O’Donnell Monastery Art Fund
Monsignor Richard Paperini ’77 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Elaine Park Faculty Development Endowed Fund
Michael F. Parsons Fund
Beatrice Peters Fund
John Phillipich Fund
John Philpot Seminary Endowment
Pauline Ravera Endowment Fund
Virgil Reasoner Library Endowment
Allen and Georgann Reel Memorial Endowed Fund
Retired Monk Fund
Msgr. James M. Ribble President Rector’s Fund
Henrietta Saalfeld Fund
Saint Aelred Scholarship Endowment Fund
Rev. Bernard Sander Burse
Clarence Schmidt Endowed Fund
Eugene P. Schulte and Edith M. Schulte Memorial Fund
Mount Angel Seminary Fund
Seminary Facilities Fund
Seminary Pastoral Formation Fund
Francis Delores Sharpe Fund
Jack Soder and Helen E. Soder Memorial Fund
Bishop Kenneth Steiner ’58 Seminary Scholarship Endowment Fund
Stuckart Endowment
The Terry Terhune Endowed Fund
The Larry and Elva Tokarski Endowed Fund
Ted & Fran Van Veen Fund
Archbishop John G. Vlazny Fund
Jean and Howard Vollum Library Endowment
John and Philomena (Matschiner) Weber Fund
Edward White Endowment Fund
Art & Vivienne Wiese Family Fund
Aileen Q. Winter Fund
Clarence M. Wippel Burse
Chi-Hsien Yang Seminary Endowment Fund
Fr. Jerome Young, OSB, Library Archivist Endowment Fund for the Abbey Library
John Zellner Fund
The Legacy Society includes the generous friends listed below. Legacy Society members have chosen to create a significant, lasting impact by including the Abbey Foundation of Oregon in their estate plan. They have told us that they have named the AFO in their will, living trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy, bank account, or as a remainder designation in a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust. Thank you!
Anonymous (41)
Sandi D. Abell
George & Beth Adams
Rev. Henry L. Albrecht ’86
Donald L. Amort ’50
Vernon G. Arne
Leo Arnold ’46†
Gordon & Mary Atkins
Frederic S. & Christina Auerbach
Rev. Jerome Augustine
Gladys M. Aurdahl
Faye S. Baden
Elizabeth Baker†
Robert & Marjorie Balcerski
Virginia Baran
Nuala C. Barry
Paul R. Bartos
Edward W. Basaraba ’58
Geoffrey & April Beale
Darlene C. Benjamin
James A. Beres
Walter ’51 & Jerry Bernards
Rose H. Berning
Sylvia Betts
Eunice Beyer ’50
Martha J. Biederbeck†
Paula A. Biggio
Mary L. Bissell
Bruce B. Bliese
Martha Blochlinger
Ronald & Julia Bochsler
Bernadette M. Brewer†
Jeannette Brink
Peggy & John ’44† Brockamp
Jeanette Broemeling-Dahmen & Robert Dahmen
Gerlinde Brown†
Philip & Barbara Brown
Mary A. Brundage
Jerome & Shirley Buckmier
Elizabeth Burke & Ronnie Ferguson
James F. Butsch ’51
Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman ’64
Brian M. Buxton
William E. Byrnes
Gary & Sally Carignan
Rev. John F. Carney ’91
Susanne C. Carson
Michael & Cheryl Cebula
Patricia R. Chapel†
Michael Chau
Jane A. Cherpin
Jean Ciccarelli
Arthur J. Cimijotti†
Julie Concannon
Maria Cortez
Joan Couch†
Jane M. Cox
Patricia Cressotti
Katherine M. Cristelli
Thomas G. Cullen
David Cunningham
John & Barbara Curran
Thomas Curran & Barbara Tyler
Most Rev. Elden F. Curtiss
Eugene J. Deiss ’47†
Barton & Mary Mikel DeLacy
Thomas & Cecilia Delve Scheuermann
Judith S. Dennison
James & Paula Dewey
Gordon ’61 & Mary Ann Dickey
Arthur ’61 & Sandy Diederich
Rev. William H. Dillard ’98
Gerald & Judith Dittbenner
John & Sally Doerfler
Thomas Dooher ’76
Bette Doubrava
Lorenzo L. Driggs ’58
Lorraine E. Duda†
Lois Dunsmore
Rose R. Eberle
Margaret Echeveste ’15
Earl E. Egan†
Roberta C. English
Marilyn & John Faherty
Les & Nancy Fahey
Elizabeth M. Farley ’07
Rev. Hugh Feiss
Jeanette M. Feldman
Eugene E. Feltz†
Pamela K. Ferro
Robert F. Fessler ’58
Thomas & Debra Fessler
Bradley & Kareena Fields
Joan F. Fisher
Rev. Msgr. J. Terrence Fitzgerald ’62
Chris & Angela Fleshman
Patrick ’93 & Mary Fogarty
Della C. Folendorf†
Robert & Patti Forsmann
Caroline Fournier
Timothy J. Freeman
Mary Ann Frieze
Rev. Gerald J. Funke ’80
Susan M. Gallagher
Frank ’62 & Patricia Galluzzo
Lloyd J. Garrow†
Rev. Stephen Giljum
Althea Ginnebaugh
Linda M. Glidden-Pickering†
Charles P. & Barbara E. Gnassi
John & Claudia Goche
Chester Golik
Donald & Mary Joan Gordon
Dorothy Gouin
Donna J. Green
Mary Anne Guidry
Pauline & George Gura
Rev. David Gutmann ’83
Nicholas & Lisa Hager
Lillian & Jon Hammett
Vincent & Jansy Hansen
Arlene Harris Smit & Paul Smit
Patricia F. Harris
Paul & Monique Harris
John T. Hartigan
Col. Ann M. Hartwick
James Hauth ’55†
Bernadette Hayes
Donald & LaVern Hayworth
James ’53 & Beverly† Heggie
Rose M. Heing†
Ann M. Henry ’74
John & Carolyn Herberger
Dr. Raymond P. Heuberger, D.V.M. ’60
Norris & Viviane Hibbler
Jean M. Hill-Rutter
Alfred Huber†
Millie C. Hunt†
James & Ellen Jansen
Fr. David Jaspers ’09
Robert & Gail Johnson
Gary & Jane Johnston
Lynn Cayanus & Daniel R. Jones
Pamela & Wallace Jones
Janet B. Joy
James Kane
Elaine & Francis† Kanooth
Linda P. Keizer
John & Cynthia Keppel
Alvin J. Kilburg†
Jodi Kilcup
Lawrence C. Killoran
Ernest Kimlinger ’54†
Robert Kindel
Gordon & Dara† King
Rev. Martin L. King ’96
Mary C. King
Col. James R. Knight & Judy Woods Knight
Mary Ann Kozlovsky
Gerald & Patricia Kraft
John & Jean Krautscheid
Richard & Elvita Kreitzberg
Frank Krupicka ’79
Myles C. Kunkel†
Mark A. La Russo
Ann F. Lackey
Ronald ’53 & Rose Lambert
Mary F. Landsness
Michael J. Laska
Susan Lawson
Jeffrey & Tresa Lematta
Annette Levy & Judith Dennison
Michael & Cassandra Lewis
Robert A. Lewis
Dr. Mary Jo Livix
Betty Lou Lorentz
Dr. Mary A. Lorenz
David ’71 & Sharon Lucas
Dcn. William Lucido
Wilfred C. P. & Martha J. Lynch
Richard B. & Elizabeth N. Lyons
Richard D. MacDonald
Colette L. Maddox†
Gabriella A. Maertens
Thomas D. & Nancy Mahony
Margaret E. Main
Rev. John M. Makothakat, Ph.D. J.C.D. S.T.D.
George & Donna Mareina
Jacqueline Matthews & Ronald Davis
Russell & Nancy Mazzola
Michael & Gretchen McCallum
Virginia M. McClure†
Nora M. McEnery
Helen J. McManigal
Fr. Patrick McNamee ’66
Paul & Teresa Mensch
Jacqueline Merrow
Clara Miceli†
Sharon L. Milla
Jackie B. Miller & Richard W. Maley
Mary L. Miller†
Sharon L. Miller
Barbara Mills
Michael ’82 & Virginia Molinari
Gabriel M. Moreno, Jr. ’01
Delores Morris
Antoinette Mosconi
Joanne Mucken
Very Rev. David T. Mulholland ’02
James ’65 & Nadine Mullen
Janet A. Mullen
Clarita V. Najera-Adao
Ronald & Madeline Nasharr
Rev. John F. Neneman II ’00
Barbara M. Newman†
Steven & Suzanne Nickel
William H. Nolan
Helen Trojacek Novy
John E. Nye
Carolyn & Leonard Obersinner ’41†
Rev. Philip O’Donnell†
Rev. Thomas M. O’Donnell
James & Theresa† O’Hanlon
Maria Ohm
Patricia D. O’Keeffe
Anne Olsen†
Fr. Kenneth E. Olsen ’65
Donald & Betty Orwick
Thomas & Bonnie L. Owens
Rev. Msgr. Richard Paperini ’77
Mary B. Parsons
Patricia A. Partlow
Wally & Frances Peets
Rev. Edmund J. Penisten ’02
Rev. Paul F. Peri, Ed.D. ’62
Mary Ann Perlot
Beatrice L. Peters†
Melissa Pina
Richard & Mary Jo Pinnell
Douglas & Paula Piper
Dr. Thomas Pitre & Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre
John & Peggy Platt ’96
Rev. Michael Poole ’98
Charles T. Powers
Judy Powers†
Joanne M. Pranger
Ronald & Mary Prevost
Kitty Prudhomme
Joseph & Ana Puleo
Diane & Ralph Puncochar
Kent Purdy
Rev. Frank M. Raffo, Jr.
Margaret P. Ramsay
William & Beverly Ratajak
James & Gloria Redmond
Allen L. & Georgann Reel
Sally Reeves Fuller & Charles Fuller
Helen B. Reichert†
Bernard J. Reul†
Yvonne Reynolds
Josephine Rivelli
Nancy M. Rizzari
Sr. Carlene A. Roeker
Dr. Timothy J. Rolfe ’65
Rev. Stephen C. Rowan, Ph.D.
Katharine J. Rudfelt†
Rebecca Ruppert
Aaron K. Salter
Rev. Damien F. Schill ’78
Rev. Richard J. Schlosser ’69
Joan Schmitz
Therese Schroeder-Sheker
Mary Lou Schutz
Phyllis & John ’47† Schwab
Esther M. Seaman†
Stephen & Susan Shelden
Alice I. Shelley
Gregory & Deborah Sherwood
Dorothy Shindler
Jeanette M. Sieg†
Rev. Richard Sirianni
Claude I. Smith ’47
Steven & Tanya Smith
Janice E. Snyder
Susy So & Brian Pickering
Margaret Sonderen†
Mary J. Spore†
Greg & Joan Stanton
Loretta R. Stark
David Steffan
Most Rev. Kenneth D. Steiner ’58
Angela Stirling
Rose Stranahan
Elizabeth G. Stroup
Cecilia Stuckart†
Mary T. Stuckart
Ann T. Sullivan
James E. Svoboda†
Marlene & Virgil† Syverson
Robert & Shari Thompson
Curtis M. Thrapp
Kevin Tierney
Lillian Tobias
Lawrence & Elva Tokarski
Ann F. Tompkins†
Margaret M. Toohey†
Mary Jo Tully
Rose G. Turnowchyk
William L. Ulibarri
Lohma Ulman†
Very Rev. Todd J. Unger ’82
Peter & Theresa Van Handel
Dr. George J. Vennes, Jr.
Richard ’55 & Theresa Verboort
Mary Jo Wade
Teresa I. Waibel†
Walt† & Bernice† Walter
Vivían Weber
Walter & Florence Weber
Wendy Wendlandt
Arthur J. White†
Jeffrey & Christine Wiegel
Vivienne Wiese†
Joann & Daniel Wilen
Beverly & Jon Wimmer
Paul ’49 & Elizabeth Wolf
Mrs. G. J. Wolfe
Robert & Carolyn Wolfe
Rev. Charles Wood ’00
Anne & Jung Yoo
Frances Yule-Rappa
Bernard V. Zielinski†
Stephen P. Zimmer
Edward ’59 & Elaine† Zollner
James ’61 & Carol Zuiches
† Deceased
Remembering Mount Angel with a bequest will help sustain and strengthen the mission and ministries of the monks for another 1,500 years!
A bequest is a gift from your estate – a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans. You can support Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary by leaving a portion of your estate to the Abbey Foundation of Oregon, or by designating the Abbey Foundation of Oregon as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.
Some of the advantages include:
- A bequest costs nothing now, yet gives you the satisfaction of knowing you have provided for the future of Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary.
- You retain control and use of your assets during your lifetime.
- You may modify your bequest if your circumstances change.
- Gifts to the Abbey Foundation of Oregon from your estate are exempt from federal estate taxes.
If you let us know of your plans, we will be able to thank you now and recognize you as a member of our Legacy Society.
How to include Mount Angel in your estate plan
Sample text: “I hereby give and bequeath (a specific dollar amount or percentage of the residue of my estate) to the Abbey Foundation of Oregon, a recognized public charity whose legal address is PO Box 497, 1 Abbey Drive, Saint Benedict, OR 97373, tax ID 04-3703021, for such purposes as the Abbey Foundation of Oregon shall determine are in the best interest of Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary.”
For additional information, please contact Susan Gallagher, planned giving manager, at 503.312.5425 or
Thank you for blessing the monks and seminarians with your generosity!
Each of us leaves a legacy — through our faith, family, friendships, work and simple interactions with others every day. We offer prayers of thanksgiving for the hundreds of generous people who care deeply about Mount Angel’s mission and have taken special steps to include it in their legacies.

A Year of Generosity, Impact, and Faith
Thanks and blessings to each and every benefactor! The monks, seminarians, faculty, employees, alumni, oblates, volunteers, guests, and friends of Mount Angel offer prayers of gratitude for the joyful generosity shown.
what you have made possible. . .

The heart and soul of Mount Angel Abbey is our vibrant community of monks who follow the Rule of St. Benedict. We have lived on this hilltop in Oregon’s Willamette Valley since 1882 and maintain a monastic tradition that has been a vital part of the Roman Catholic Church for more than 1,500 years. We welcome all to our hilltop home and the sanctuary of our church and the resources of our guesthouse and library. Please join us in the rich, ancient rhythms of monastic prayer, liturgy, and hospitality.
January – December 2022
Professed simple vows
Br. Ambrose Stewart
Fr. Michael Shrum
Professed solemn vows
Br. La Vang Nguyen
Ordained to the diaconate
Br. Charles Gonzalez
Celebrated jubilees of monastic profession
Abbot Peter Eberle (60 years)
Br. James Bartos (60 years)
Br. Simon Hepner (50 years)
Passed away to the Lord
Br. Mark Parker († February 2, 2022)
Studying for advanced degrees
Fr. Israel Sanchez – Augustinianum, Rome
License in Patristics
Fr. Timothy Kalange – Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit
License in Sacred Theology (STL) in the New Evangelization
Br. Albert Klotz – Dominican University, Illinois
Masters of Library and Information Science

Although the beginning of 2022 began with some pandemic restrictions, the lifting of the majority of those in spring 2022 resulted in a new degree of normalcy and the sense that the worst of the pandemic was behind us. We decided to resume activities in person that we had held virtually for the past two years, including the Saint Benedict Festival and the Abbey Bach Festival. More guests frequented the Hilltop for our liturgies, retreats, and other events. Some noteworthy initiatives included the following:
- A Solemn Way of the Cross on Good Friday which welcomed around 300 participants.
- Several events sponsored by the Mount Angel Institute at Mount Angel Abbey, including a production of Tolton: From Slave to Priest by Saint Luke Productions and an All Saints’ Day relic display.
- A full church for the Paschal Triduum, Easter, simple and solemn professions, and Christmas.
We continue to offer heartfelt prayers of gratitude for so many friends and benefactors who support Mount Angel through friendship, prayers, or financial contributions.
For the first time since 2019, the Saint Benedict Festival and the Abbey Bach Festival were held in person in 2022, welcoming more than 2,000 attendees between the two festivals. The enthusiasm of our guests who attended these festivals inspires us to build upon the successes of the past year as we plan these festivals moving forward.

Mount Angel Seminary was established as a “school of the Lord’s service” by the pioneer monks of Mount Angel Abbey in 1889, making it the oldest and largest seminary in the western United States. It is the only seminary in the West, and one of only a few in the nation, that offers degrees at all levels, baccalaureate through the doctorate. Students receive exceptional academic instruction in a profoundly faithful, prayerful, and formative environment.
Mount Angel Seminary currently offers these fully accredited degree programs: Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts (Philosophy), Master of Arts (Theology), Master of Divinity, Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology, offered in affiliation with the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant’ Anselmo in Rome, and Doctor of Ministry. The Master of Arts (Theology) and Doctor of Ministry programs are open to non-seminarians and lay students.
Seminary Life
With the lifting of most pandemic restrictions in March 2022, life at the seminary experienced a new vigor and energy. Many visitors and guests came to celebrate Commencement 2022 in the Abbey church. The Mass of the Holy Spirit in August 2022 also welcomed more guests than in previous years. While restrictions have been lifted, some of the side effects of pandemic life have benefitted the lives of seminarians. For the fall 2022 theological symposium, Professor William Desmond, an Irish philosopher who teaches at Villanova University, was unable to come to Mount Angel in person, but he did present his lectures with live Q&A to the seminarians and seminary faculty via ZOOM. The communication technologies that were heavily utilized at the height of the pandemic continue to play a positive role in seminary life.
Surrounding the Seminary with Support
The first in person Seminary Benefit Gathering on the Hilltop occurred on March 10, 2022 in the Saint Benedict Guesthouse & Retreat Center with great success. On November 6, 2022, monks, seminarians, and guests enjoyed each other’s company at a second Seminary Benefit Gathering in Aquinas Hall. Benefactors having the opportunity to interact with monks and seminarians on the grounds of the Hilltop has proven to be highly beneficial for deepening those relationships.

Housed in a world-renowned building designed by the famous Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto, the Mount Angel Abbey Library is one of the Abbey’s principal works of Christian service. Patrons of the Abbey’s library include the students, faculty and staff of Mount Angel Seminary, the monks of Mount Angel Abbey, scholars and religious professionals of many denominations, and any interested person who requests user and borrower privileges. The library provides access to a large collection of books and other materials in a wide range of subjects. Open to guests, visiting scholars, and the general public, the library is home to one of the most significant theological libraries in the Pacific Northwest.

Library operations & Highlights
The library has been operating at normal hours with access to the public throughout 2022. On May 16, 2022, the University of Oregon hosted its annual Reynolds Symposium at the Mount Angel library in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of its completion in 2020. The symposium marking this milestone had been delayed for two years due to the pandemic. Abbot Jeremy was one of the speakers for this event and spoke about his experience seeing the library constructed as a young monk and how being in the library has formed him over the years.
The Mount Angel library has also hosted many speaker events sponsored by the Mount Angel Institute in 2022 in its auditorium, and it will continue to do this in the coming years.

Saint Benedict Guesthouse & Retreat Center
While every touchpoint of Mount Angel Abbey expresses St. Benedict’s vision of welcoming all who come as Christ, the mission of the Saint Benedict Guesthouse and Retreat Center is directly oriented toward this goal. Whether for day visits, retreat weekends, conferences or personal retreats, guests discover a spiritual atmosphere of hospitality where they can be renewed by Christ’s love poured out for them in the liturgy, personal prayer, holy reading, and silence.
What’s new | Who Comes

The guesthouse is a hub of hospitality for Catholics, non-Catholic Christians, and religious seekers alike. All who come are warmly welcomed as Christ.

At the Abbey Bookstore & Coffeehouse, visitors can find a wealth of spiritual items and books to purchase while enjoying craft coffee and specialty drinks in the recently renovated coffeehouse. For many visitors who wander into the building, the bookstore and coffeehouse are often a first point of contact for guiding visitors to other parts of the Hilltop, sharing with them maps, guides, and general information about Mount Angel Abbey.
What’s new
In addition to the regular stock of books, the bookstore also features selections based on the liturgical year, helping patrons enter more into the liturgical season that the Church is celebrating at that time.

Benedictine Brewery
The Benedictine Brewery and St. Michael Taproom express the Benedictine values of work, prayer, and hospitality. Led by Fr. Martin Grassel, OSB, the monks continue to be the exclusive brewers of their own beer, working hard to serve the fruits of their labor with guests. The taproom has a regular stream of local patrons, but it also regularly welcomes first time visitors from farther away. A number of these visitors hear about the Benedictine Brewery even before they learn about the monastery, so their experience of hospitality at the taproom serves as an inviting entry point to encounter the rest of the Hilltop.
At a glance
2019: 146.36
2020: 178.32
2021: 216.8
2022: 231.02
A typical sale for food
and drink for two people.
Taproom: 23,828
Bookstore: 442
The taproom is open five days per week — roughly 260 days. That’s an average of 91.65 transactions per day!

Formed by the Benedictine monastic tradition, oblates of Mount Angel Abbey seek God in Christian discipleship in the world. By obedience to Catholic teaching, faithfulness to liturgical prayer and continual conversion of life according to the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict, oblates seek union with God and growth in charity toward one’s neighbor. This work is undertaken in spiritual communion with the monks of Mount Angel Abbey with the desire that in all things God may be glorified, and that together we may come to life everlasting.
What’s new
- John Paul Le, OSB, has replaced Fr. Odo Recker, OSB, as Director of Oblates.
- The number of oblates continues to grow, especially among the Spanish-speaking oblates guided by Fr. Ephrem Martinez, OSB.
- The number of digital resources for oblates to connect to each other and with the monks of Mount Angel is increasing.
- The conferences for the fall 2022 oblate retreat were recorded and posted on Mount Angel’s oblate webpage, Vimeo channel, and YouTube channel.
- A Facebook group for Mount Angel oblates, which has over 70 members, was created in fall 2022 to help oblates connect and share prayer requests with each other.
- John Paul sends out a weekly email to oblates with spiritual reflections as well as updates on events happening at Mount Angel Abbey.

Formed by the Benedictine tradition since 1881, St. Mary Parish in Mt. Angel is a vibrant Catholic community. The parish is made up of approximately 1182 households and 3871 individuals coming from 26 zip codes around the Willamette Valley. The sacraments are celebrated in both English and Spanish, reflecting the rich diversity of the community. Fr. Ralph Recker, OSB, serves as pastor, and other Benedictine priest-monks and brothers assist at the parish.

What’s new
We’d love to hear from you! Contact the Development Office at 503.845.3030 or
Thank you for considering a contribution to Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary! The monks offer prayers of gratitude every day for you and all our generous benefactors.

Our Mission
The Abbey Foundation of Oregon promotes the financial vitality of Mount Angel Abbey by seeking funding for current projects and long-term endowments for the monastery, seminary, guesthouse, and library. The trustees of the Foundation work collaboratively with the Abbot of Mount Angel Abbey to implement the monastic community’s Benedictine vision of prayer and work in service to the Church in western Oregon and beyond.
The Abbey Foundation of Oregon is an independent 509(a)(3) nonprofit organization that exists solely as a supporting organization for the work of Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary.
Box 497, Saint Benedict, OR 97373-0497